torsdag, juli 23, 2009


Regn, regn, regn. Regn anyone? I have plenty!

9 kommentarer:

Joss@n sa...

We have too. No bathing today. Will try to bake farfarsbread instead.

Kristin sa...

Oh cool! Hope it goes well, please invite me for some if it does...

Joss@n sa...

Oh yes, I will. Have the ingrediens, but not the amount. Farfar forgot, will have to hip:o)

Kristin sa...

Hip is ok, maybe not in baking, but in cooking. I have seen on the tv that hipping in baking can be fatal, almost...

Joss@n sa...

Yes I know. Have the fördelning of water and flour though. It will forhopeningswise not be fatal just wrong taste.

Now I will go and shop some new flour. The one I bought yesterday got worms. Will bark on Ica Kvantum Stenungsund>:o(. Maybe i will bark on AXA too.

Kristin sa...

Oh my lord, worms are disgusting (how ever that is spelled). Bark away!

Joss@n sa...

Vårt mediacenter kan läsa från flickr efter senaste uppdateringen. Så nu sitter vi och kollar på alla dina fina flickr-bilder på vår TV. Skoj!

Kristin sa...


Joss@n sa...

Ja, och jag gillar namnen som du döpt dina bilder till. Fast den med Theo och vagnen var ju inte så snäll men vi skrattade gott:o)